Desert Spirituality

Desert Spirituality

February 17, 2012
Solid as a Rock: Solid in Your Faith

Solid as a Rock: Solid in Your Faith

April 9, 2013
Runaway Teens

Runaway Teens

December 18, 2016
Proclaiming the Good News in Creative Ways

Proclaiming the Good News in Creative Ways

February 28, 2023
Oh Come Let Us Adore HIM!

Oh Come Let Us Adore HIM!

December 25, 2016
Rising From Rejection

Rising From Rejection

July 23, 2017
Miracles: Do You Believe?

Miracles: Do You Believe?

March 7, 2024
Our Catholic Identity

Our Catholic Identity

November 14, 2011

Fabian Debora, shares his story of survival growing up in the housing projects of Los Angeles and as a member of an East LA Gang when he was a teenager.  His is a story of resurrection…a true story of conversion and transformation from death to life.  He now devotes his life to his work as an artist and helping other young people to get off drugs and get out of the gangs.  


In the Book of Jeremiah, chapter 29 God says, “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope”.   So how can we discover these plans and trust that God, who only wants the best for us, is in control?


Throughout the Old Testament, people encounter and hear God, like when God appears and speaks to Moses in a burning bush. For most of us, God’s voice isn’t going to be that dramatic.  In order for us to hear God we need to make space for quiet in our own lives and get away from the noise of TV and music, technology and other distractions so that we may hear the Lord in a “still, small voice” (1 Kings 19:12).


Our faith tells us that, while there is always darkness in the world, we have the light of Christ to lead us through the darkness and to give us comfort even in the most difficult of times.  Catholic singer/songwriter Natalie Plumb, shares about the periods of darkness she experienced in her life, during her high school years, and later as a young adult when she was mugged.  She tells how she felt the presence of God helped her through these times.


As Catholics, we believe that we are called to love others and to put their good above our own. There are many ways in which we can put others first; It might be through community service and acts of kindness, or it might be through sacrifice. Spotlight guest, Anne shares her story of raising and then having to give up the Seeing Eye dog, Nita, she raised from a pup.  Her experience was both one of sacrifice and surrender.


 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” These are the famous words of the Declaration of Independence that set the foundation of the United States of America. While these words have been engrained in our education and culture for over 200 years, many people in our world and communities continue to be mistreated or looked down upon because of their race, gender, religious beliefs, or other qualities. Our faith tells us that God does not withhold His love based on what we look like or what we do – so neither should we.


 Schools are supposed to be a place where we feel safe and concentrate on learning and developing as human beings.  Unfortunately, schools can sometimes be causes of fear and anxiety because of bullying, fighting, or other violence.   How can our belief in God and our Catholic faith help us to get through these difficult times and maybe even offer a ray of hope to someone else who may be suffering?


Feelings of fear and anxiety are part of the human condition, just like our capacity for happiness and love. It’s important to understand that emotions, like fear or anger, as well as anxiety are temporary states. So, what do you do when life seems overwhelmingly full of things to get upset about?  How can you deal with your fears and get past them?