Cold Turkey: A Week Without Technology

We live in an age when we have become dependent on technology. Of course technology in many ways, has made our lives and our work easier. But what about the negative ways technology can impact our lives when we overuse it? Some of these effects can include: the disturbance of our sleep cycles; interference with our homework and in-person social interaction. What about our faith life? Can technology take us away from our time with God or are there ways it can draw us closer? Spotlight guest Josh who gave up technology for a week, shares how this experience has helped to deepen his faith and build a stronger relationship with God.

We live in an age when we have become dependent on technology.  Of course technology  in many ways, has made our lives and our work easier.  But what about the negative ways technology can impact our lives when we overuse it?  Some of these effects can include: the disturbance of our sleep cycles; interference with our homework and in-person social interaction.  What about our faith life?  Can technology take us away from our time with God or are there ways it can draw us closer?  Spotlight guest Josh who gave up technology for a week, shares how this experience has helped to deepen his faith and build a stronger relationship with God.

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