“Come, Follow Me?”, By Sherinrose Alex, Fiat Ventures

Flickr User Jutta M. Jenning

3rd  Sunday in Ordinary Time

Picture this – you are a fisherman (or a fisherwoman), trying to catch fish to sell so you can feed your family. After spending hours in the sea fishing, a man comes to you and says “Come, Follow me”. What do you do? What would it take for you to drop everything and follow?

You would think that it would have left Peter and Andrew quite confused. But how they reacted shocks me every time I read it; they dropped their nets and followed him immediately. They did not ask any questions or wonder what to do with their boat and net. A bit later, James and John do the same, leaving their father (who I imagine may have been perplexed) and follow Jesus. How are these fishermen able to trust like this?

Living within our comfort zone is something that makes us feel safe. Whether that is following a particular routine, trusting people who we know are reliable, or even something as simple as eating foods that we know we will like. Human beings like the feeling of safety and security. When it comes to trusting Jesus, there is an uncertainty that follows. What is He asking of me? Why is He asking me? Who am I?

Reflecting on Peter, Andrew, James, and John – these followers of Christ became apostles, three of them became martyrs, one became the first pope, and there are also books in the New Testament coming out of this group. When they first said yes, they probably did not imagine that this was the great plan that Jesus had in store for them. And the call of Jesus is not just meant for Peter, Andrew, James and John. The call is not just meant for the priest and religious or the elderly. This call of Christ is meant for each baptized person. When Jesus called the first apostles, He did not see that they were merely fisherman, but He saw greatness within them.

That is how He looks at each of us as He calls. He has great plans for us that often we think will clash with our comfortable living and leave us in despair. Pope Francis reminds us, “The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness.”

Christ is calling you; “Come, follow me.” So, take a moment and ask yourself, “What is it that is holding me back from answering that call?”  Then, like the nets of the fishermen, let go of it, and follow Jesus.

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