“Striving is Thriving Ya’ll”, By Jessica Leguizamon, Fiat Ventures

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 

What’s your perfect version of a brownie? There’s fudgy brownies, dark chocolate brownies, milk chocolate brownies. Thick gooey middle pieces, smaller skinny corner pieces. Ones with chocolate chips or M&M’s. My perfect brownie is one that’s just perfectly balanced between fudgy and a lil cakey and the thickest cut you can get. Not your cup of tea? That’s okay. It is for me, and I’m sure you have your own perfect brownie recipe. 

What if we were all versions of our perfect brownie? Because each one has different ingredients and different cooking temps, they all come out different. Even then, they are each a beautifully crafted perfect brownie in their baker’s eyes. We are like those brownies. Only difference is that our creator is God…and that we’re not actually a delicious yummy treat that can be eaten at really any point of the day. Regardless of the fact, though we all end up looking and living differently, God still sees His perfect creation. His perfect children. It’s not because we are acting perfectly or doing every single thing perfectly. It’s because He created us perfectly in His eyes. So why try to deny that truth and be something you’re not? Why push yourself to believe that you’re not good enough the way that you are? 

We are so trained to believe that achieving perfection is attainable and real, only if we work hard enough to deny the most precious parts of ourselves. It’s such a lie. There’s no need to work towards a standard that the Lord did not set for you to achieve. In this Sunday’s readings God speaks of this. In the second reading, 2 Corinthians 13:11, the Lord’s word says, “And now, my brothers and sisters, goodbye! Strive for perfection; listen to my appeals; agree with one another; live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you”. Strive for perfection. We are asked to strive for perfection, but what that perfection we are being asked to strive for is not the perfection we initially think about. 

God’s perfection is that His children live in peace. As scripture says on this Sunday, it’s to live in peace and agree with one another. Not in a way where no one disagrees and we all just believe the same thing, but in a way where we learn to coexist and love one another, as the beautifully crafted unique brownies that we are. 

Today, I challenge you to write this piece of scripture down and keep it somewhere. Whether it’s in your pocket or in your folder. Somewhere you know you’ll see it again. Keep it as a reminder of the ways in which you are asked to live by the Lord. 

You. Are. Perfect. As. You. Are. Because. God. Said. So. 

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