The Good Shepherd

By Lisa Greey –

Life is about following your dreams, being fulfilled, putting yourself first. Any
of these sound familiar? Our culture bombards us with these messages. While in
some ways they are true – there is more to life than ME. There is more to life than
MY wants. There is more to life than MY fulfillment. Though we are surrounded
by messages that say “me first!” Jesus teaches us something quite different in the
gospel today.
He compares himself to the good shepherd who will do anything to save his
sheep. Anything. A hired shepherd will run away at the sight of a wolf rather than
protect the flock. Not Jesus. A hired man looks at the sheep as all the same. Not
Jesus. A hired man will let sheep escape from the fold. Not Jesus. The sheep will not
follow the hired man’s voice. They will follow Jesus’.
We are a bit removed from this example so in less dramatic terms, I will
offer some examples that I hope are relatable. Do you notice the difference between
how a babysitter cares for kids, and a mom or dad cares for them? You might be a
good babysitter – really attentive to the kids, encouraging and helping them. But
you’re still not the same as mom or dad. The way a parent kisses a boo-boo, helps
a first grader color and keeps track of everyone’s favorite foods is different from a
babysitter or nanny! Jesus is similar to the mom and dad rather than the babysitter.

The good shepherd, Jesus, says YOU first before me. He “lays down his life”
for us. He will chase after us – no matter how far we run and how much crap we get
ourselves into. He is willing to sacrifice his very life so we might live. This example
is so different from the one we see thrown about in our society. Jesus chooses to
put us first: “I have the power to lay it down, and the power to take it up again.” We
have this same power. We can live lives of comfort and selfishness, or we can follow
Christ and put others first, put God first. What will the fruit of this be? Jesus tells us
in the Gospel of John – “I have come that they might have life and have it to the full.”
Putting God and others first, far from leaving us empty and dissatisfied, will actually
leave us full of grace and love. I don’t know about you – but that sounds way more
appealing than “me first!”

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