“PlayStation with the Saints”, By Brian Flanagan, Fiat Ventures

Blessed Carlos Acutis/Sainthood Cause of Carlos Acutis

Solemnity of All Saints

Picture a Saint. What comes to mind? Someone from the Bible? Someone from the 1200s in religious robes? What about someone wearing Nike’s and holding a PlayStation controller?  

If that last one caught you off guard, open up YouTube and look up Bl. Carlo Acutis, who was beatified earlier this month. He has an amazing story, and unlike many of the (also amazing) saints from throughout the centuries, he was alive during our lifetime! I won’t retell the whole story here, but he was an Italian teen who had an incredible faith and at the same time was a normal guy. So yes, his PlayStation controller would be a second-class relic.

This Sunday is All Saints Day, and one of my favorite things about it is that we celebrate ALL the saints; both those officially canonized by the Church and all those up in heaven who don’t have Churches named after them but are saints nonetheless. If your great-great-Grandma Beatrice is up there in heaven, this day is for her too! (and if your great-great-Grandpa George is finishing up a pit-stop in Purgatory, don’t worry, we’ll pray for him on All Souls Day). But the saints – what a group! People from all over the world, all walks of life. Men, women, children, teens, elderly folks, priests and nuns, moms and dads. Those who made dog videos like Bl. Carlo, and those who we read about in the pages of Scripture.

Sometimes Christians from other faith traditions might ask Catholics what the big deal is with all the saints. Isn’t it really all about Jesus? Well the saints would be the first to say, “Of course it’s all about Jesus!” And what does Jesus want for each of us? To be saints. It’s called the Universal Call to Holiness. So, will I have St. Brian of Bridgewater Basilica built in my honor some day? Probably not unless you guys want to start up my cause after I’m gone. I like marble for the floors, and lots of woodwork up in the sanctuary. Kidding of course! <Bl. Carlo laughs, Mother Teresa is not as amused>.  

So, we’re all called to be saints; to live an adventurous life of faith, and to say YES. to God’s call in our lives. Does this mean that we’re all called to be perfect? Well, sort of. Jesus even says in the Gospels, “Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” But Jesus, all the saints, and especially my wife and kids could tell you that I’m far from it. That’s where grace comes in, to bridge that gap. But like so many things in our faith, it’s a “both, and”. We should strive for holiness as though it all depends on us, and pray for that grace, as though it all depends on God.

So, as we celebrate All Saints Day, let’s be inspired by the example of the lives of the saints, and ask for their prayers and intercession for us as we keep growing in our faith and our friendship with Jesus. If we make him the Lord of our lives like they did, one day we’ll be in heaven playing PlayStation with Bl. Carlo, and we can teach Mother Teresa how to play too!

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