To Be or Not To Be: Wonderfully Made

When we read Psalm 139 we are reminded that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Each one of us is unique and possesses something that is wonderful and admirable. But, unfortunately, high school can really challenge that idea. Peer pressure and popularity make it seem as though being a “certain way” is the only way to be. Our true self — with our unique personalities, likes and dislikes, quirks and talents — is a wonderful thing that shouldn’t be changed to fit someone else’s idea of being a teenager. How does your faith help you to stay true to who God wants you to be?

When we read Psalm 139 we are reminded that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Each one of us is unique and possesses something that is wonderful and admirable. But, unfortunately, high school can really challenge that idea. Peer pressure and popularity make it seem as though being a “certain way” is the only way to be. Our true self — with our unique personalities, likes and dislikes, quirks and talents — is a wonderful thing that shouldn’t be changed to fit someone else’s idea of being a teenager. How does your faith help you to stay true to who God wants you to be?

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